What to know about the special election in Florida’s 6th Congressional District and why candidate Josh Weil is catching heat ...
A new political ad from Josh Weil targets his opponent, Randy Fine, with claims of corruption and ethics violations.
That's a tenth of what his Democratic opponents said he raised, but voter registration numbers still heavily favor Fine.
President Donald Trump is advocating for the election of Florida Sate Senator Randy Fine (R) in the upcoming special election ...
The Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee voted 6-2 Tuesday to put a constitutional amendment on the ...
The Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Safety Act was approved by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by then-Gov. Rick ...
Florida DEI bill SB 1710 drew LGBT activists and a heated exchange with a drag performer at the state's Governmental ...
Rep. Michelle Salzman's bill to lower the firearm purchasing age from 21 to 18 has moved through House committees with ...
A PAC network backed by crypto industry is throwing its weight behind two Republican candidates in Florida’s upcoming special ...
In response to a political mailer distributed by his opponent, which claims that he would support defunding Social Security, Republican congressional candidate Randy Fine has released a statement ...
Democratic congressional candidate Josh Weil sat down with rapper Killer Mike for a town hall in DeLand in front of 200 ...
A crypto super PAC network, which includes PACs Fairshake and Defend American Jobs, is backing two GOP House candidates in ...