Dr. Rajesh Loomba is a General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor practicing in Ambala, specializing in the field of General Medicine / Internal Medicine. If any of the displayed ...
Rajesh Loomba and Aditya Loomba, who are part of the promoter group, will sell up to 9,900,000 and 8,100,000 equity shares, respectively, as part of this offering.
Eco Mobility's offer includes an OFS of up to 18,000,000 equity shares (face value ₹2 each), with Rajesh Loomba selling up to 9,900,000 shares and Aditya Loomba selling up to 8,100,000 shares.
The public issue consists solely of an offer to sell 18,000,000 equity shares. Rajesh and Aditya Loomba, who are part of the ...