It’s part of the push to make quantum computing commercially useful, which takes brilliant theorists and hardcore engineers.
In April 2023, BH and Pebb paid $104 million for the 651,000-square-foot complex, and Related joined the partnership later ...
Class B and C office buildings are still facing challenges as the "flight-to-quality" trend solidifies in the office market, ...
Zoom competes directly with Microsoft, headquartered just down the road from Zoom’s new Bellevue office, and Google, which ...
"We're required to provide a certain amount of leased space for Avelo to accommodate their operations at the airport. ... We are space constrained." ...
In an effort to make Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue safer, the city of Lakeland has re-landscaped the median near the Coleman-Bush Building.
The ISIS article appeared four months after the deadliest jihadist vehicle ramming attack in Nice, France when a driver ...