An octopus hitched a ride on the back of a mako shark in extraordinary nature footage released by the University of Auckland.
Arête Glacier Initiative has raised $5 million to improve sea-level rise forecasts and explore the possibility of refreezing ...
A vote on March 19, 2025, ended 20 years of proposals to replace a large 110-year-old brick building at Main and Ocean ...
Africa's vast continent cradles a tapestry of traditions, vibrant histories and awe-inspiring landscapes where romance ...
Houseplant introduced Louisville to its new members and temporary drummer Ben Atkind during a hometown show at Headliners Music Hall.
What would you do if an eight-foot-long bull shark rammed your kayak while you were fishing in the open ocean? Fisherman ...
Starting with the round of 16, choose your favorite Cape Cod waterfront restaurants in our March Madness-inspired brackets.
Organizers said the world-renowned parade has annually drawn about 2 million spectators with 150,000 participants, including ...
It has truly been a heartbreaking year for the music world with some real legends having already died in 2025. But there have ...
Billy Squier (1980): For a moment in time, Billy Squier was everywhere, as songs like "My Kinda Lover" and "The Stroke" ruled ...
South African duo Major League DJz have shared a new song with help from Grammy-nominated R&B star Jorja Smith. “Come With Me” is described as identical twin brothers Bandile and Banele Mbere’s “first ...