Ahmedabad: Vishal Bhatt, 35, an event management company owner, along with his wife Khushbu and their three-year-old son, battles the effects of indus.
Air pollution might protect against the most dangerous type of skin cancer, melanoma, a new study finds. However, it's ...
Ahmedabad: What is it like breathing in the vicinity of an industrial estate? While we are familiar with particulate matter (PM) 2.
In Cincinnati’s low-income neighborhoods, breathing is not just a natural act—it’s a health hazard. Local experts say residents in these areas are exposed to air pollution levels that far exceed ...
Iranian cities face severe air pollution, particularly during winter, due to old vehicles and dirty fuel. This has led to ...
An advisory about fine particle air pollution from the highest-ranking physician in the United States would be a powerful ...
That’s the mantra being followed by environmental and community advocates who believe more action is needed to protect the public from a potentially harmful chemical being released into the air by the ...
The Kimballton Plant, which processes limestone, was fined by the Department of Environmental Quality for failure to monitor ...
Planned for this spring, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved to convene on a special meeting to discuss about ...
The Washington State House of Representatives is set to hold a public hearing on Bill 1321 today. This bill would grant the ...
Here are five reasons why the Trump administration’s action matters. Duffy ordered his chief of the National Highway Traffic ...