Today’s civic texts are less sure. Worthy public actions are not necessarily rooted in private virtue, they seem to say.
Emphasizing virtue as the foundation of true joy, Jeffrey Rosen — president and CEO of the National Constitution Center — ...
GENTLE READER: Honesty is a virtue, and sparing people’s feelings is a virtue. Why do you think you must choose between them?
For the Founding Fathers, the pursuit of happiness meant the pursuit of long-term virtue, National Constitution Center ...
If your honest answers are yes, then you are not practicing honesty as a virtue, but using it as a weapon.
Democrats regularly preen about their moral superiority. We are led to believe their policies are somehow grounded in a ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin addresses the concern of a reader who wants to maintain ...
I have a strong moral requirement not to lie, which has led me to reflect on the role of full truthfulness in good manners. I ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a strong moral requirement not to lie, which has led me to reflect on the role of full truthfulness ...
Even if such responses are socially acceptable as “white lies,” I’m concerned they could be more harmful in the long run.
“We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion,” John ...
Columnist Brad Gutierrez asks how did we arrive at a point where basic human decency was no longer a qualification for ...