Alcoholic neuropathy is a condition in which drinking too much alcohol causes damage to nerve tissue. This may cause pain, tingling, and numbing in your limbs. Alcoholism, now called alcohol use ...
Investopedia / Sydney Saporito Median refers to a metric used in statistics. It's the middle number in a sorted ascending or descending list of numbers and can be more descriptive of the data set ...
Sciatica results from the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back to the toes. Certain stretches and exercises may help relieve the pain and discomfort it ...
Like a highway system, the vagus nerve branches profusely from your brain through your organs to marshal bodily functions, including aspects of mind such as mood, pleasure and fear. It is late at ...
We can reset our nervous system – and that starts with understanding the vagus nerve The vagus nerve is a major nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. Image: iStock The vagus nerve is a ...
RELATIVELY little has been written about spontaneous compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Nevertheless, this condition is probably much more common than is realized. Undoubtedly ...
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body that extends from the lower back all the way down the back of the leg, explains Rohan Desai, M.D., an orthopedic spine surgeon with the New York ...
To diagnose an L4 radiculopathy the clinician placed emphasis on the femoral nerve stretch test, the straight leg raise test, the knee reflex, sensory loss in the L4 dermatome and the muscle power ...