With dating increasingly taking place online and as more and more dating sites hit the market, we have rounded-up the 20 best ...
It has long been thought that men opt for younger partners more than women do. But a study by academics at the University of ...
Hours in Police Custody followed the harrowing story of officers uncovering a sexual predator who violently attacked two men ...
We were onto our second glass of wine each and laughing about something when Charlie’s hand abruptly flew to his mouth.
One of King Harold's manors appears twice in the famous Bayeux Tapestry, but only 948 years later have researchers finally ...
A young worker has given a first-hand account of what working inside a mass scamming call centre is really like.
Some apps, however, have introduced features to combat waning engagement, such as Hinge’s ‘Your Turn Limits’ feature, which ...
Can you guess the age of Hollywood's biggest cougars? MailOnline takes a look at the celebs dating toyboys as scientists ...
Even if they do not realise it, both sexes tend to slightly prefer younger people when going on a date, a University of ...
Researchers from the University of California, Davis, have confirmed that women are drawn to younger partners - whether they ...
There's a hidden gem in Spain, a "golden city" - often overlooked by travellers seeking the more famous destinations like ...
Archeological findings have surpassed previous records set by Spain and Turkey with this region now being named the oldest ...