Tonight will continue similarly, with lengthy clear spells for most and any cloud remaining confined to the far east. In the early hours, there is a slight chance for the odd shower in the south ...
This opinion piece is born out of a tumult of conversation already emerging in anticipation of the fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization being held in Incheon, South Korea, popularly known ...
X-Ray showed Grade 1 anterolisthesis (figure 1) of L3 over L4, block vertebrae of L4 and L5 and degenerative changes are predominantly involving L5 and S1 vertebrae. Considering it to be a case of ...
All of these three points are unstable. The fourth and fifth points, i.e. L4 and L5, lie along the orbit of Earth, with one being ahead of it and the other behind it, at an angle of 60 degrees. Points ...
In brain tumours, immune cells called macrophages scavenge lipid debris from the myelin sheath of neurons. These lipid-laden macrophages cause immunosuppression, and their transfer of lipids to ...