Thomas Hazlewood, former mayor of Cleburne, lives in the same independent living facility as the longtime U.S. representative. | Opinion ...
After an Islamic State sympathizer rammed a truck into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in 2016, horrified New Orleans leaders were eager to protect their ...
Amid controversy over Granger’s health, the congresswoman’s son and contemporaries reflect on a groundbreaking political ...
Kay Granger, 81, was forced to acknowledge her ... Pundits point out that the required retirement age for military officers is 65, arguing the Commander in Chief should be subject to similar ...
Incoming U.S. Rep. Kay Granger’s voice cracked with emotion as she recounted her rise from an insurance agent to a member of Congress. She was speaking to a crowd of about 150 people at a ...
The news that Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, has been living in a retirement facility and experiencing a “very rapid” decline set off a social media outcry this week across the political spectrum.
The news that Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, has been living in a retirement facility and experiencing a "very rapid" decline set off a social media outcry this week across the political spectrum.
It's been nearly four months since one Texas Congress member has cast a vote. U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Fort Worth, has missed votes in Congress and has been "having some dementia issues late in ...
It's been nearly four months since one Texas Congress member has cast a vote. U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Fort Worth, has missed votes in Congress and has been "having some dementia issues late in the ...