The paralytic is carried by a group of friends ... They trust that Jesus will heal their friend. Often enough, before healing, Jesus asks for faith. The person requests for healing or miracle as an ...
When Jesus heals the paralytic, he rises (5:25). Likewise Jairus' daughter rises, Peter rises, the disciples on the road to Emmaus rise, Paul rises and indeed Jesus himself rises from the dead (5: ...
In Jerusalem, Jesus healed a paralyzed man at a ritual pool surrounded by ... Granted, stories of Christ’s miraculous deeds—healing the sick with his words, feeding a multitude with a few ...
There are three things required for healing to occur. The first requirement is faith. You don’t need a lot, but you do need some. Recall the paralytic who lay on the steps of the pool of Siloam. Jesus ...
When Jesus was walking around with the disciples, healing, teaching, performing miracles, the Spirit of the Lord was with him. When Jesus healed the paralytic, Luke wrote "And the power of the Lord ...
Jesus did not let cultural or religious taboos stand in his way. He breaks through such petty barriers to restore our life. Jesus knocks down walls that seem as unbreachable as death. Nothing stops ...
The exorcisms that Jesus performs in the Gospels are some of his most dramatic miracles. They are also some of the most difficult for me to understand spiritually.