This scooter was launched in India in 2006 and marked the beginning of the 125cc scooter segment in the country.
A company called Auto EV Japan is planning to release a new electric scooter this May in Japan. A number of different versions of the Scarpina will be offered, including models with both 2 and 3 ...
which is available in Japan. What do you think, would you ride something like this? If so, this statement is for you: "Perhaps we plan the sale during this year..." The Scooter Scoop never lets me ...
E lectric kick scooter traffic violations remain a persistent issue in Japan, despite the relaxation of regulations following revisions to the road traffic law in July last year, local media ...
The E-Scooter-sharing market comprises e-scooter-sharing services that provide short-term rentals of electric motorized scooters (stand-up scooters). In e-scooter-sharing, scooters are generally ...
The National Police Agency said there have been 74 traffic accidents involving electric kick scooters across Japan over the past three years, and about two-thirds were crashes with other vehicles.
The largest electric scooter rental agency in Japan will heighten background checks on customers and introduce a demerit system to promote safety after regulations for the vehicles are eased in July.