These species need strong conservation policies to save them from extinction. They won’t get that for the next 4 years.
Finally, IUCN continues to support local and Indigenous communities to pursue locally-relevant conservation models, such as ICCAs, to ensure equitable governance of natural resources. A recent ...
Recently-released IUCN Red List assessments for slipper orchids from the temperate Northern Hemisphere show that a shocking 79% of species are threatened with extinction. Mike Fay, Head of Genetics ...
Global species assessments, in which every extant species in a taxonomic group is systematically assessed, have been conducted only for very few plant groups such as cycads, conifers, mangroves and ...
Therefore, COP16 Riyadh was an important opportunity for IUCN’s Food and Agricultural Systems team to highlight what IUCN Director General Dr. Grethel Aguilar has called “this paradox of threat and ...