Castlevania: Nocturne is a sequel-series that picks up 300 years after its predecessor. All new location, all new time-period ...
"Old" is a relative term; not everything millennials and previous generations hold sacred should be considered ancient just ...
When I wrote “Cove GIANTS of the 20th Century” in 1999, I tried to identify those people who were credited with significant achievements during those 100 years. In the Military category was Cpl. Harry ...
If the existence of your utopia depends on a bunch of secret, no-consequences war crimes, then it’s simply not a utopia. It’s Omelas. The debate over whether or not Section 31 betrays the fundamental ...
If you have felt a little let down by the MCU as of late, why not try a different type of superhero storytelling?
There are dozens of amazing and sinister female Marvel villains that make being evil look awesome. These are best ones.
On the campaign trail, Trump insisted that sanctions were a poor tool compared with tariffs: he vowed to use them “as little as possible” for fear that they would kill the dollar as a world ...
One of Shonen Jump's biggest manga has an anime just on the horizon, and Kagurabachi fans need to see the stunning fan-made ...
Brilliant. Pirates are cool and O’Connor’s fictionalised retelling of the life of Anne Bonny reminds us of that certainty by having Bonny stand as a symbol for individuality, gender fluidity, and ...
Welcome to Pocket Wars: the lightning-quick, imagination-fueled, and uber-portable battle game that fits right in your pocket. Whether you’re waiting for food at a café, sitting in an airport, or ...