WhatsApp said that hackers invited their targets to a WhatsApp group, then sent them a malicious PDF file that would breach their device ...
Mizuno USA, a subsidiary of Mizuno Corporation, one of the world's largest sporting goods manufacturers, confirmed in data ...
Unpatched vulnerabilities in Contec CMS8000 patient monitors expose devices to remote access, file overwrites, and data leaks ...
Google has become an essential tool for all of us. Whenever we're unsure about something, the first instinct is often to ...
Attackers from the Lazarus group used social engineering tactics to impersonate recruiters and gain access to systems in a ...
Google Chrome is the most popular browser on desktop, which is why it’s also one of the most popular targets for hackers.
Your router could be an open door for hackers. Learn how hidden flaws in internet devices put you at risk and the simple steps you can take to lock them out.
Certain Google searches can have severe legal consequences, including searches related to bomb-making, child pornography, ...
The number of people affected by a UnitedHealth data breach in February 2024 was actually higher than previously reported and was the largest medical data breach in U.S. history.
Hackers are exploiting a critical command injection vulnerability in Zyxel CPE Series devices that is currently tracked as CVE-2024-40891 and remains unpatched since last July.
Tech expert Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson offers tips on how to protect your identity: Be vigilant, monitor accounts, use smart ...