New Zealand plans to outlaw greyhound racing because too many dogs are hurt or killed, the government said Tuesday, spelling an end to the practice in one of the few countries where it still operates.
Racing Minister Winston Peters delivered the news on Tuesday, declaring that legislation will be passed with urgency to bring about the cessation to greyhound racing. The announcement comes ...
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While the Greyhound industry called the decision a “devastating blow” with “far reaching implications” on those working in the sector, Mr Peters defended the government’s stance saying ...
A man jumped from a Greyhound bus passing through Prowers County early Thursday morning and was fatally struck by a tractor-trailer, police say. Related Articles Crashes and Disasters | Pedestrian ...
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - One person was injured in the early morning hours after a stabbing at a bus station. Memphis Police said officers were called to the Greyhound Bus Station on Airways Blvd.