Here’s a hill I’ll die on: Music should never just be casual background noise when you’re in running mode. Motivating lyrics can elevate your mood, a bop with good ~cadence~ can keep you on pace, and, ...
" Feel free to practice your Yoga Lesson guided by this hour Relaxing Music Video, good to Calm the Mind and start with your ...
Roger Waters brought a new serious depth to Pink Floyd when he started writing lyrics for the group in the 1970s. He took inspiration from two folk legends.
Harbaugh’s antics can seem cliche and even corny at times, but every one of them has a meaning and makes an impact.
The three-time Grammy nominee is taking the rap world by storm while highlighting the importance of mental health.
This track from Bob Dylan's days with the Traveling Wilburys is chock-full of New Jersey clichés aimed at Bruce Springsteen. Read more here.
Did Beyoncé cosmetically enhance her features over the years? What is the truth behind Beyoncé’s plastic surgery rumors?
It was an abundant year to go searching for your next favorite song and discover new sensations. These are my 25 favorite songs of 2024. (Although many other gems are over on my albums list ...
The rapper, songwriter, and author shares how he took control of his mental health and the impact it's had on his work.
What songs helped motivate you to clean your house? What made that workout seem less challenging or traffic less annoying? Here is the list of songs that helped me complete those tasks ...