High-grade glioma, an aggressive form of pediatric and adult brain cancer, is challenging to treat given the tumor location, ...
Firefighters show higher rates of glioma-linked SBS42 mutational signatures associated with haloalkane exposure, suggesting ...
A study, published in Cancer Cell, shows that high-grade glioma tumor cells harboring DNA alterations in the gene PDGFRA responded to the drug avapritinib, which is already approved by the United ...
A new study finds no significant overall association between hormone therapy use and glioma risk in US women, although a ...
For female patients with glioma, pregnancy after receiving a diagnosis of glioma is associated with worse progression-free ...
High-grade glioma, an aggressive form of pediatric and adult brain cancer, is challenging to treat given the tumor location, incidence of recurrence ...
New research by Yale has found an association between exposure to chemicals commonly used in firefighting and incidence of a brain tumor called a glioma in firefights, suggesting that the cancer may ...
Scientists at UCLA have discovered a potential new way to treat glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of brain cancer. Their ...
In a study comparing the glioma tumors of firefighters and non-fighters, researchers found a mutational signature tied to exposure to haloalkanes, which are used in flame retardants, fire ...
Recently announced positive data from pivotal randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 clinical trial of CAN-2409 in intermediate-to-high risk, ...
In a study published online March 10 in Cancer, authors identified gliomas with mutational signatures associated with ...
Fractionated reirradiation is safe and feasible, suggesting higher reirradiation dose may be feasible in patients with ...