By probing chemical processes observed in the Earth's hot mantle, scientists have started developing a library of basalt-based spectral signatures that not only will help reveal the composition of ...
Look up to the night sky Friday night for November’s full moon, 2024’s last supermoon, followed by the Leonid meteor shower ...
In November 1969, Apollo 12 astronauts Commander Charles "Pete" Conrad, Command Module Pilot (CMP) Richard F. Gordon, and ...
"The Grand Canyon is an epic Rosetta Stone for geology," Denver Museum of Nature and Science geologist James Hagadorn said.
A sliver of Martian rock that once lay hidden in a university drawer has helped researchers better understand the Red ...
Since the formation of Earth approximately 4.5 billion years ago, the convection and release of hot magma in its mantle layer ...
“Skywatchers can see the next full moon, the Beaver Moon, on November 15, starting at 4:29 p.m. EST. This moon is extra ...
Scientists have calculated the Earth to be 4.54 billion years old, with an uncertainty of 50 million years on either side.
The Moon is over 384,000km away from us ... able to study rocks that are billions of years old in a way that is comparable to ...
A reassessment of data from NASA's Voyager 2 has revealed that Uranus' moon Miranda may contain a subsurface ocean, challenging assumptions about its potential for life.
Scientists recently detected carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide on the frozen surface of Charon, Pluto's largest moon. The researchers conducted the survey using the James Webb ...
Emerging evidence suggests that plate tectonics, or the recycling of Earth's crust, may have begun much earlier than ...