Often billed as the best in the series, although Gears of War 3 is also epic, the awesome third-person co-op game was set to have its own graphical update on Xbox One. Gears of War 2: Ultimate ...
A Gears of War Collection compiling all three games from the original trilogy has been rumored for a long, long time, but whispers are swirling around the internet once more, and the more credible ...
And no one in front of the PS3 will feel left out – LittleBigPlanet ... flashy sci-fi/action flics like Starship Troopers or Alien, Gears of War 3 is a sure bet. Amazon.com’s running a nice ...
Amid all Sony's game cancellations this year, we finally have some good news. People Can Fly, the studio behind games such as ...
A Gears of War Collection compiling all three ... Just think back on how many Xbox 360/PS3 games had a urine yellow filter (Fallout 3, MGS 4) and cover-based shooting, even where it wasn't really ...
The PlayStation 3 contained some exceptional games that were extremely impressive in terms of what they could do for the ...
The Polish developer is known for its work on shooters like Outriders and Gears of War: Judgment ... shooter series that saw entries on PS2, PS3, and PSP. The last title of the franchise was ...