The roof of AT&T stadium was opened and later closed due to a sheet of metal falling from the roof. The Dallas Cowboys are ...
The team said no one was injured in the incident, which occurred a few hours ahead of Monday night’s game against the Texans.
A new product developed by two ASU students is being called sunscreen for buildings. It’s a new type of roof coating that essentially freezes and unfreezes during the day, and it's shown to save ...
Explore the pros and cons of installing a tar and gravel roof. Discover its design and whether it's the best investment for your home.
Can you avoid tearing off your old asphalt shingle roof by putting a steel roof over it? Maybe. Most codes now allow no more than two layers of roofing before requiring a complete tear-off. So, if ...
Metal roof pros include durability and a 50-year life span, but they are more expensive than asphalt shingles.