Thoughts?” However, the device was launched by a parody company using the Enron brand. There is no evidence it is an authentic product. In a video published, opens new tab on the parody company ...
The company that recently resurrected Enron’s fallen brand announced Friday it would ... He co-authored “Birds Aren’t Real,” a book about a gag conspiracy theory made popular in the ...
That campaign, featuring billboards, videos and a book co-authored by Mr ... “I genuinely believe that Enron is one of America’s top brands, up there with Coca-Cola, Nike and Levi’s ...
an event hosted by the company that recently acquired the defunct Enron brand, is scheduled for Monday, and so far, the company has not shared any concrete information regarding its plans for the ...
The outlandish claims Enron has made in the weeks since its brand revival have left many to ... Enron's 28-year-old CEO, published a book on alongside co-author and movement founder Peter McIndoe.