VZV causes chickenpox (varicella), after which the virus becomes latent in cranial nerve, dorsal root and autonomic ... pain and rash restricted to 1–3 dermatomes. The NIH Shingles Prevention ...
VZV becomes latent in dorsal root ganglia cells ... the skin along the sensory nerve, manifesting as a unilateral vesicular skin eruption involving one to three dermatomes. Skin vesicles may ...
If you're looking for dog pinched nerve treatment, most likely your dog sustained an injury to his neck or spine. A dog's body is an amazing machine, and what's even more amazing is its capacity to ...
Maca root is used by people to improve sexual function and libido, provide an energy boost, and relieve symptoms of menopause. It is also used to enhance fertility and treat erectile dysfunction.
Facet hypertrophy is a chronic condition that progresses with age. When diagnosed, facet hypertrophy can be treated with pain medications, massage therapy, a nerve block, or a procedure called ...