Greenland, a vast but sparsely populated Arctic island, has been transformed by the climate crisis in recent decades.
According to a common variation of this argument, gaining a greater degree of control over Greenland — either by buying it, ...
From bubblegum-coloured lakes in Australia to a solar-powered safari camp in Botswana, these are BBC journalists' top ...
Neolithic people on the Danish island Bornholm sacrificed hundreds of stones engraved with sun and field motifs.
Do you want a future in which Canada defects to the EU, Russia rules the Arctic and China runs Latin America? That’s the default outcome of non-action.
The harsh climate, hazardous shipping, limited infrastructure and tiny local workforce have for years left a promised gold rush frozen in its tracks.
Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) and conservative People's Party (OVP) plan to improve the state's finances by ...