Ding Xuexiang also tells Davos that Beijing isn’t pursuing a trade surplus and there are ‘no winners in a trade war’.
China is not seeking a trade surplus and is willing to import more competitive and high-quality products and services to ...
Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof held "critical conversations" with visiting Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang, he said on ...
Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang warned of “no winners” in a trade war during a speech Tuesday during the World Economic ...
China's Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang said at a meeting with Dutch King Willem-Alexander in The Hague that China stands ready to ...
DAVOS, Switzerland -- Chinese Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang on Tuesday delivered a special address at the World Economic Forum ...
Ding Xuexiang told the World Economic Forum that a 'tug of war' was underway between supporters and opponents of economic ...
China is not aiming for a trade surplus and wants to import more high-quality goods to balance international trade, according ...
Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of ...
Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang warned on Tuesday that no country would emerge victorious from a trade war, in a speech to the ...
As U.S. President Donald Trump plans to pull out of international bodies and agreements, such as the World Health ...
HONG KONG (Reuters) -- China's Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang said at a meeting with Dutch King Willem-Alexander in The Hague ...