TO say otherwise is a perverse form of historical revisionism. To wish otherwise is to wish for a counterfactual. Facts have ...
Standoff over closure of embassy in Dublin is unlikely to make Israel’s complicated relations with the EU any easier COMMENT ...
Experts talk to JNS about foreign aid that enters Gaza only for Hamas to plunder the resources. There will be profound consequences if this persists.
Let’s inject more objective, fact-based, ecumenical knowledge into the regional equation, which would achieve much for religiously motivated supporters (and opponents) of Zionism.
In these difficult times, the voice of the late Palestinian-American scholar, Edward Said is ever present, “Writing is the ...
Palestine has made a significant impact on the international and regional cultural scene, including in Egypt, leaving ...
Israel’s innovative, young commander of the Negev campaign was Yigal Allon. In order to break the Egyptian hold, he would have to get his troops to the south undetected. This was a significant chall ...
The pro-Israel witch hunt on western university campuses has one main goal: to erase any distinction between Judaism, the Jewish people, Zionism and the Israeli government ...
The story passes from the Balfour Declaration in 1917 through the end of WWI, the League of Nations and Palestine becoming a ...
In recent days Palestinians in occupied Jenin have set up barricades and called a general strike to denounce PA repression.
Joseph was no saint. He was vain, preening, a braggart who used virtually every opportunity to demonstrate his superiority ...