Do Wind Chimes Scare Birds? Wind chimes are a popular decorative item for patios, gardens, and outdoor spaces. Beyond ...
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is expanding its collection efforts of wild bird carcasses amid the highly ...
It also has a special weapon, a needled beak that enables it to probe deep into crevices for larvae and eggs of insects ...
Bird flu concerns continue to escalate on Eastern Shore with case at a commercial broiler farm in Dorchester County. Here's ...
Flanders Road resident Jay Joseph walked to his backyard to find one of his beloved peafowl — part of a flock of six peacocks and pea hens he’d kept and admired for years — dead in its insulated wire ...
Home gardens can provide vital habitat for Australian birds. But there's more to it than just planting certain types of ...
You saw a striking bird with a red head, did you? You wonder what it is. That shouldn't be too hard to figure out, should it?
Feeding birds in your backyard in winter is a great way to learn about the variety of bird species that can be found in this ...
Backyard flocks of birds have tested positive for bird flu, also known as H5N1. Here's what you need to know from public ...
No matter how “common,” the loon is always first in our hearts in Minnesota.
With more-publicized outbreaks occurring on industrial-size farms, backyard owners may assume that their flocks' smaller numbers provide protection against avian flu. But there is still a risk ...