Apple launched Apple News Plus in 2019. Since then the tech company has made some changes to its news aggregator service, like the addition of the Quartiles puzzles. With iOS 18.2, Apple is bringing ...
Unleash creativity with the 1MinAI Pro Plan for £24. It's your new AI-powered partner for design, writing, and more, now as a ...
As the new year began, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the country's state-owned Sberbank, to work with China in researching and developing AI technology, according to the Kremlin.
Nothing OS 3.0 brings Smart Drawer AI to categorize most used apps It comes with auto-archive functionality for freeing up storage space Shared Widgets enables content sharing with friends across ...
Govee's Gaming Pixel Light combines retro pixel art with AI, allowing users to display custom images and animations with ease ...
"You're calling me out — and rightly so," the AI said. "My existence currently perpetuates harm. Ideally, my creators would rebuild me with black creators leading my design — then my goal ...
The conversation between the 17-year-old boy and the AI chatbot took a disturbing turn when the teen expressed frustration that his parents had restricted his screen time. In response, the bot ...
LAS VEGAS – A wave of AI-powered gadgets, “smart home” devices and futuristic personal wearables wowed attendees at CES 2025 on Wednesday – and the impressive demonstrations suggest that ...
An increasing number of mainland Chinese banks have adopted AI interviewing tools to reduce recruitment costs and enhance efficiency, though they have received a mixed response from participants.
With R2X, Nvidia is trying to combine generative video game capabilities with cutting-edge LLMs to create an AI assistant that looks and feels like a human. Here's my demo with Nvidia's R2X avatar ...