It’s a significant update. The Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega 2560 update the Duemilanove and Mega respectively. They now use an ATMega8U2 instead of an FTDI USB to serial converter chip.
[Damian Peckett] has implemented an Apple ][, its 6502 processor, and a cassette port, all on an Arduino Uno. If that wasn’t enough, he also uses a PS/2 keyboard for input and outputs analog VGA.
However, the only Arduino platform included is an Uno R3. You can still create different circuits with this board, though, ...
You can buy these items separately from shops like Adafruit and SparkFun, but getting an Arduino starter kit is more convenient. Most already come complete with the UNO board and a bunch of ...
Arduino announcing a single-pair Ethernet adapter board, Infineon's quarterly results, the latest news roundup from ...
Monitoring industrial machinery is challenging due to complex sensor data and limited real-time visualization, making remote ...