a 2.7 kΩ resistor, and a 12 MHz crystal. There’s no provision for actual USB ports in the design, but they would just take up space anyway; this hub is intended to be directly soldered to the ...
GL3590 is well-suited in docking applications and retailed Hubs. In docking applications, GL3590 not only provides expansion for USB 3.1 Gen 2 ports but also features complete functions of USB-Câ„¢ CC, ...
Total power output from the hub to laptop and devices is 140W. There’s one dedicated 10Gbps USB-C data port, HDMI 2.0 port with 4K 60Hz support, and both SD and MicroSD card readers at fast UHS ...
Satechi's new hub for the small Apple Mac mini M4 has an ingenious cutout that makes it easy to access the oddly placed power ...