Digital transformation in higher education is key for dealing with the new paradigm of highly digitalized societies. Higher education institutions must therefore rethink their educational, ...
Choosing appropriate technology for the teaching-learning and management processes is key not just for an institution's internal organization, but also in order to ensure the proper development of the ...
An institution's educational model is the foundation on which its organization and services are based, as the pedagogical model implemented (face-to-face, online or hybrid) will define the type of ...
El modelo educativo de una institución es el pilar que sustenta su organización y servicios, ya que el modelo pedagógico que se implemente (presencial, en línea, híbrido, etc.) definirá la gestión que ...
Àngels Fitó, rectora de la UOC, recibe la visita de la profesora, primera teniente de alcalde de Girona y ex consejera de Investigación y Universidades, Gemma Geis ...
Overriding techno-optimism prevents us from seeing the risks that technology poses for our societies, says a UOC researcher Allowing algorithms to make more and more decisions can lead to frustration, ...
Àngels Fitó, rectora de la UOC, mantiene una reunión con Francesc Fajula, director general de Mobile World Capital Barcelona. En el encuentro se explorarán posibles líneas de colaboración entre las ...
Two European universities – Utrecht University and the UOC – and four Asia-Pacific universities are involved in the Erasmus+ project, which is funded and promoted by the EU Its aim is to create ...
This Barcelona-based symposium, being held for the sixth time, will bring together leading international figures in deep learning, a field in which the 2024 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry were ...
Àngels Fitó, rectora de la UOC, se reúne con el secretario de Formación Profesional, Francesc Roca, y el director general de Formación Profesional, Ricard Coma, del Departamento de Educación y ...
In collaboration with the EduAlter association, UOC researchers have developed teaching materials to educate and empower students to make critical use of digital media According to a survey by the ...
La rectora, Àngels Fitó, se reúne con diputados del grupo parlamentario de Comunes y de la Comisión de Investigación y Universidades. El encuentro tendrá lugar en el Parlamento de Cataluña ...