“Who can sing of the spectacle, the unrestrained mirth, the banqueting, the unbought feast, the lavish streams of wine? Ah! now I faint, and drunken with thy liquor drag myself at last to sleep.” ...
Is there an astrological explanation for the New Jersey drone phenom? Actually yes - it’s shaky but then so is every other ...
I’ve had a major revelation regarding bras, Uranus, Eris, Pluto and Pre-Raphaelites. Also, wellness. Assessing the viability of a particular bra, I was suddenly struck by the primitive ‘technology’ of ...
Are you feeling antsy yet reluctant to make a move? Super-insightful only the insights can’t seem to coalesce? Pre-emptively defensive even as you ‘creatively visualize’ the hypothetical impact of a ...
This is a quick note to let you know that the December Monthly Horoscopes are now live and you can access them via the Horoscopes page or directly here. Thank you again for your patience and I hope ...
Mercury moves into the shadowzone* of the upcoming retrograde today! So for planning purposes, the relevant dates are below. There is no need to be merc-retro-phobic but if a contract is particularly ...
As you may have gathered from the December Horoscopes, the Xmas + New Year’s period this year is quite hectic. So, as many of you will be making or confirming plans for this phase around about now, ...
The (new, updated) Daily Horoscopes are back up – thank you so much for your patience! Imminent: a granular, Mars-in-Virgo-esque explanation of the delay but most importantly: (1) If you’re a Mega ...
Lock in ad-free, tracker-cookie-free, privacy-first Horoscopes, fabulous Tarot + Oracle readings, Daily Mystic updates, generous member discounts and premium Astrology content with a Mega Mystic ...
The Alchemy Tarot has 64 cards and is open to Mega Mystic members only. Each reading is a single card and while you could technically ask again and again, it’s more optimal to contemplate the card for ...