Per The Hollywood Reporter, Sotheby's will run an auction event called "There Are Such Things: 20th Century Horror, Science ...
The model comes from the personal collection of the Oscar-winning special effects and makeup effects artist Carlo Rambaldi, ...
While instantly recognizable today, E.T.’s overall look was completely absent from Melissa Mathison’s screenplay. Creating ...
In the 43 years since the release of Steven Spielberg’s E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, many of the original screen-used body models of the lovable alien have fallen apart from age. But a few survived the ...
The squat three-foot-tall E.T. model was designed by Rambaldi in 1981 and was used in the amusing bedroom closet scene, where ...
The screen-used E.T. model from the scene in “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” in which the film’s namesake hides among a closet ...
The original screen-used model of E.T., created by special effects legend Carlo Rambaldi, has landed on the block at ...
E.T wants to visit his friend Eliot but doesn't have a spacecraft so he builds a spacecraft using what he knows best: botany. He secretly builds a craft using only organic resources found on the ...
An original, screen-used model from Steven Spielberg's 1982 sci-fi classic “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” is going up for ...
"Creature King" Carlo Rambaldi worked on “E.T.” along with other award-winning films such as “Close Encounters of the Third ...
ET will be 20 in May. It's lasted well, and looks better than ever in Steven Spielberg's reissue. I think it's his masterpiece. So does he, probably. He's hardly tampered with it. Just a bit of ...
The original body model of the friendly alien character E.T. from the hit sci-fi film of the same name is being auctioned ...