The Peanut Butter Falcon is an adventure story set in the world of a modern Mark Twain that begins when Zak (22), a young man with Down syndrome, runs away from the nursing home where he lives to ...
The Peanut Butter Falcon’ was a little risky because nobody ... to as having “natural comedic talent,” in the role of Zak instead of auditioning a well-known “name” supplied the ...
It’s truly the most punk-rock choice they could’ve made following The Peanut Butter Falcon, their critically acclaimed 2019 indie that starred Dakota Johnson, Shia LaBeouf and Zack Gottsagen.
It all started in Havana. For filmmakers Michael Schwartz and Tyler Nilson - the directorial duo behind 2019’s Shia ...
“Peanut Butter Falcon” also stars Shia Labeouf as Tyler and Dakota Johnson as Eleanor, an empathetic aid from Zak’s senior ...
It’s truly the most punk-rock choice they could’ve made following The Peanut Butter Falcon, their critically acclaimed 2019 indie that starred Dakota Johnson, Shia LaBeouf and Zack Gottsagen. After ...