Legends of the Chukchi people, describing a land to the north inhabited by giants, may reflect a cultural memory of the mammoths that once roamed the region. Beyond its paleontological legacy, Wrangel ...
“This grand wilderness in its untouched freshness,” Muir called it, this “severely solitary” land in the “topmost, frost-killed end of creation.” Today Wrangel Island is one of the ...
Two years ago Russia sent three white men, three white women and 50 Eskimo families to bleak little Wrangel Island, disastrous site 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. The people were called a ...
It’s been over a year since a landslide devastated the Wrangell community, killing six people. Last month, geologists ...
will request to the clan leaders for permission to be on the land. “Then there will be introductions by the tribe and each clan leader from Wrangell,” Reese said, “and there will be other ...
“Wrangell tribal members are considered a landless corporation,” Reinhart said. “We never received our village land. I know it’s not for the Army to do that, but it is for the U.S ...