The intriguing animation by Shannon Odell and directed by Sofia Pashaei attempts to visualize Earth’s possible future in the next ... cost of human activities like fossil fuel burning.
Star Trek imagines a future in which Earth has to deal with extraterrestrial threats like the warlord Khan ... Although it's hard to not look at these films as overly idealistic, they also ...
Because planets always appear in a line, the alignment isn't anything out of the norm. What's less common is seeing so many ...
We learned last year that many of the effects of climate change are irreversible. Sea levels have been rising at a greater rate year after year, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ...
Global warming is moving faster than the best models can keep a handle on. Fifty years into the project of modeling Earth’s ...
Explore what the world’s new coastlines would look like. 8 min read This story appears ... There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take ...
What will our cities look like in the future, and how will we move around them? These are two of the key questions being asked by scientists, designers and trend forecasters as urban populations ...
The rings would likely circle the Earth's equator, since the planet's rotation creates a massive bulge there. So people living in Quito, Ecuador, would see the rings as a thin slice of light in ...