The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
(JTA) — A new excavation has unearthed parts of the Great Synagogue of Vilna, once the oldest and most important building for Lithuanian Jews before it was destroyed by the Nazis and razed by ...
Speaking of Estonia’s desire to find a peaceful solution to the conflicts in the region, Karis acknowledged that “it will take some effort to make it happen.” An indication that progress ...
Remaining in Lithuania after the war, she became a keeper of the flame of the city’s once illustrious Yiddish culture. Lithuania’s Jews and Yiddishists around the world are mourning the ...
Capital del Gran Ducado de Lituania desde el siglo XIII hasta finales del XVIII, Vilna tuvo una gran influencia en el desarrollo cultural y arquitectónico de una gran parte de Europa Oriental. Pese a ...