Rainbow Six Siege has gotten Operator Mastery in Operation Collision Point! In Operation Collision Point, Ubisoft added ...
With the right Sens loadout in Rainbow Six Siege, players can strategically take space in an objective site. This is because Sens is an Operator who specializes in map control.
The M.U.T.E. Protocol Memento weapon skin was called The Betatron Annihilator and it was exclusive to Mute and Wamai's MP5K.
Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Siege has just launched its holiday event, featuring a new gamemode on a revamped map, and of course, a ...
The Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace allows all the “active” Rainbow Six Siege players to buy and sell their skins on Ubisoft’s ...
By equipping the best Zero loadout in Rainbow Six Siege, players can provide valuable intel to their teammates.