Ukrainian forces identified the location of a Russian marine workshop where enemy troops were reinforcing the armor of their ...
The Marine Corps stood up a unit meant to sow "chaos and uncertainty" for its adversaries in the Pacific on Tuesday, ...
Altogether, the Marines fired more than 2,000 rounds from the gun in 486 separate fire missions. And over five months at Raqqa, Syria, the Marine artillery battalion fired more rounds than any ...
Marines also called it the first JAGM being ... chain thanks to its role in complementing communication with the Field Artillery Tactical Data System, the Command and Control Personal Computer ...
BAE Systems Land & Armaments has been awarded a US$357 million contract for additional AMPVs for the US Army and $188 million ...
The kit in question, the Digital GPS Anti-Jam Receiver, or DIGAR, is sold by BAE Systems and was originally intended for air warfare, where it has already found wide application – including being ...
Marines and personnel from Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Denmark and Great Britain. The 1st Battalion, 6th Field Artillery Regiment flexed its expeditionary deployment capabilities to ...
The Eighth Army began its portion of Freedom Shield 2025 on March 9, 2025. Freedom Shield is an 11-day exercise ...