Your admission to UAB is contingent until we have received your official, final transcript (high school transcript for freshmen; college transcript for transfer students). You will need to request ...
a completed application; the nonrefundable $40 application fee; official transcripts from each college or university you’ve attended other than UAB. Transcripts should be mailed directly to UAB by ...
For the purposes of faculty recruitment and hiring, the Office of the Provost in conjunction with the UAB Registrar’s Office has adopted the following best practice for accepting electronic ...
UAB accepts both mailed and electronic transcripts - Mailing Address. Transcripts must be sent directly to UAB from the institution to be considered official. For transcripts sent through a secured ...
Each study abroad program earns academic credit, but it may be reflected differently on your UAB transcript depending on the type of program. Credit earned on Education Abroad programs transfer as ...
Transcripts: Expedite your application by uploading a pdf of your unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended (except for UAB). Personal Essay (statement of purpose, academic interests, career ...
Dual and Concurrent Enrollment students may request one official UAB transcript to be sent to their high school for free. All other students may request a transcript online. You’re just a few steps ...
The total number of hours will appear on your UAB transcript—but the academic department offering your major will be the one to determine if each course will apply to your degree. The easiest way to ...
Dual and Concurrent Enrollment students may request one official UAB transcript to be sent to their high school for free. All other students may request a transcript online. You’re just a few steps ...
What if I have transferred to UAB from another college and the college from which I transferred has already evaluated my IB courses? You will still need to have an official IB transcript sent to UAB.
UAB credential evaluators will review the transcripts of all students who have taken university-level coursework outside of the United States. You must submit all transcripts and mark sheets and any ...
Complete and submit the UAB Graduate School Application. Submit official copies of all academic transcripts demonstrating that you have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college ...