A new, refreshed brand has been unveiled for the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The recently launched visual identity ...
Blazer Core Curriculum is UAB’s transformative new general education program, which debuted in Fall of 2023. Drawing on a multi-year process of feedback and collaboration with faculty, students, ...
The usage policies for single-cell instruments at FCSC are as follows: Assisted services: Assisted Services refer to a comprehensive support model provided by the FCSC facility, where the core staff ...
The Clinical Core offers integrated services to interdisciplinary scientists at the UAB 1917 Clinic and beyond, advancing HIV research for an end to HIV. Key services include biostatistics ...
The Department of PM&R has a rich history of independent and collaborative research through three of its core, long-standing, federally funded grants (NIDRR/NIDILRR). The UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model ...
The goal of the UAB NORC Behavioral Science and Analytics Core is to foster collaborations and enhance productivity of investigators using behavioral science theories, constructs, and procedures for ...
Detailed training and workflows have been generated and are made available on-demand to all UAB and collaborating researchers. These investments and the collaborative interactions between the ...
The mission of the Preclinical Imaging Core Facility is to support sustainable and responsive multimodality imaging in preclinical oncology models for UAB University and Medical Center investigators ...
The TGEM Core is a centralized facility for the efficient production of genetically modified animal models for UAB investigators. Genetically engineered models (mice, rats and zebrafish) are produced ...
The Institutional Research Core Program was created to promote the development and operation of outstanding Core Facilities that can serve the needs of UAB investigators.The program is designed to ...