Whatever your viewpoint, the sculpture cost £350,000 to build, and will be introduced to the Shrewsbury riverside in March. Downside: Darwin's birthplace and first home, Mount House, is just ...
Charles Darwin's childhood garden in Shrewsbury is being opened to the public to celebrate his birthday. Born on 12 February, 1809, he was raised at The Mount in a house built by his father.
Organisers are gearing up for the DarwIN Shrewsbury Festival - an annual event to celebrate the life, work and legacy of ...
Scherrikar Bell: Charles Robert Darwin was born on the 12th February 1809 in Shrewsbury and lived in a massive house called The Mount. From a young age Charlie had an interest in natural history ...
The Smithfield Riverside project is a scheme that aims to revamp the area between the River Severn, the Darwin Shopping Centre and Roushill in Shrewsbury. The outline application seeks to secure ...
Shrewsbury's three main shopping centres could be taken over by Shropshire Council. Negotiations are under way to buy the Darwin, Pride Hill and Riverside centres from UK Commercial Property Trust.
Shrewsbury's three main shopping centres have been bought by Shropshire Council for £51m. The council agreed to buy the Darwin, Pride Hill and Riverside centres from UK Commercial Property Trust ...