A Han Solo blaster might be the ultimate Star Wars prize. Will it make more than $3 million at auction this summer? Find out ...
DC-15A blaster rifle: Reliable standard issue ... If you've played almost any of the Star Wars: Battlefront games, you know how satisfying the DC-15A is to use. Even if you're not holding it ...
Model Star Wars blasters are set to go under the hammer in North Yorkshire. The mint-condition metal replicas, accurate to the fictional guns used by Princess Leia and Han Solo in the 1977 film ...
It's not even out yet, and Star Wars: Battlefront II is already a bad video game. Or if nothing else, it's the public relations equivalent of the Chernobyl disaster. Blame the loot boxes.
Set decorator Roger Christian was tasked with designing Solo’s weapon, with a goal of making the character appear like a cowboy—but, of course, in space. Only one other Han Solo blaster has ever made ...
This Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Han Solo Guide will show ... of damage and is one of the most accurate and fastest firing blasters in the game. It can take around 2 shots to destroy a normal target ...