Socrates was a philosopher warrior, exemplifying courage, endurance and the pursuit of virtue through action as well as ...
Should Socrates be held responsible for the actions ... Whatever the precise origin of the games, they became a central aspect of Greek culture very early on and in many ways were the most ...
Photograph by Bridgeman/ACI The Greek historian Xenophon recounts in his Symposium that one day Socrates was out walking with some friends when they were approached by Callias, a wealthy Athenian.
During Socrates' youth Athens was a city at the height of its power and the intellectual center of the Greek world. The spirit of openness which democracy encouraged had given rise to new fields ...
The team has already read one of the scrolls to discover how Greek philosopher Plato spent his last evening 2,500 years ago - ...
Greek theater and epic poetry were closely related ... By critically interrogating the idols and polarized views of his culture, Socrates threatened the power holders of his city.
But in “Open Socrates: The Case for a Philosophical Life ... Callard offers a roadmap for using the ancient Greek philosopher for approaching knotty discussion on topics such as love ...
The Tollund Man, Denmark’s most famous bog body, has been precisely dated for the first time, revealing that he lived and died around the same period as the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates.