Looks are certainly important for the peacock, with his absurdly bright, burdensome train that he shows off to attract a female. Peahens often choose males for the quality of their trains -- the ...
The Indian jungles are a paradise for birdwatchers. These jungles offer a chance to spot vibrant and exotic birds in their ...
First, there are peacocks in the streets of Houston ... EXPLAINED: You've probably seen these green parakeets on Houston's power lines. Here's why Vargo’s opened in 1965 on Fondren at the ...
The peacock can weigh between 2.7-6 kg and has a wingspan of 1.4-1.6 m. It can range in length from 0.86-2.12 m ...
Discover 10 magical places in India to see peacocks dance in their natural habitat. Witness their vibrant courtship display, especially during the monsoon season.