Gunn is inspired by animated DC shows like Justice League ... manifest in the upcoming slate of DCU films and series. The ...
it was recently revealed that the new Justice League Unlimited comic shares more with the animated series than initially suspected. Just releasing its first issue to widespread acclaim ...
Seeing as how this new Justice League book is inspired by the Timmverse of animated series, this could all point to Vandal Savage controlling Inferno, but that also feels a little too easy and ...
Comparisons between Justice League Unlimited #1 and the animated series of the same name are inevitable. They are also profoundly apt. Both center around a reformed legion of DC Comics ...
Episode 4 of the Creature Commandos TV show found a bloody way to tease which superheroes will be part of the DCU's Justice League.
An assortment of "very special" Christmas episodes from animated classics of the 90s and early 2000s showcase GenX irony and ...
One of the hardest parts of devising any team-up superhero book is getting new readers ... surprising because Justice League Unlimited's hook (like the stellar animated series of the same name ...