There is only one character who really has the fate of the MCU multiverse in his hands, and his time will come in 'Avengers: ...
The identity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's anchor being remains a mystery, but their identity could be revealed in ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is now 17 years old and boasts ... Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth have great chemistry as Loki and Thor and sell some of the film’s heavier subject matter ...
Over 30 films later, the story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ... the events of “Avengers: Endgame,” but before the events of “Spider-Man: Far From Home.” “Loki” begins in the ...
Doomsday might have in store, a new rumor is floating around that puts Tom Hiddleston ’s Loki at the very center of the film’s storyline. We have talked about this before in a bigger article about the ...
it’s surprising that the MCU’s version of The Avengers are mostly absent from the gaming scene. An Avengers: Doomsday release date delay is rumored to be in the cards, as Marvel Studios may ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is more ... recovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. Loki steals it and uses it to open a portal that brings the Chitauri army to New York in “The Avengers.” ...
The Marvel timeline is pretty tricky ... the Darkhold during the WandaVision finale. Loki really is a confusing one – but if you're tackling the MCU, this is probably the place it makes sense ...
or you can watch everything in chronological order which will require some jumping around the various Marvel Phases. If you want the easiest way to watch the entire MCU to date, then stick with ...