Both Otis and John underwent extremely rapid intensification that turned them from modest tropical storms into major ...
For decades, physicists have struggled to reconcile the laws governing the very small with those that describe the vast ...
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World ...
More specifically, the team operating the LHC's Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector wanted to know if one of the rules upon which special relativity is built, called "Lorentz symmetry," always ...
The most obvious extension of Maxwell's theory to the case of moving bodies was incompatible with the results of experiment. At this point, H. A. Lorentz came to the rescue. In view of his ...
Along with quantum mechanics, Einstein's special theory of relativity serves as the basis of the Standard Model of particle physics. At its heart is a concept called Lorentz symmetry: experimental ...
After eminent physicist and Nobel laureate Hendrik Lorentz criticized the spin theory, Uhlenbeck got cold feet and wanted to retract the paper. Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit's mentor Ehrenfest told them ...
LORENZ: So I guess it sounds like you do sort of ascribe to this theory of a great replacement. How does that make you — RAICHIK: I just look at the facts and the numbers. LORENZ: Well so ...
Do top quarks, nature's heaviest elementary particle, obey Einstein's rules at all times of day and night? Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider have the answer.
Lorentz symmetry states that the laws of physics ... orientated (or what time of day collisions occurred). So, Einstein's theory of relativity is safe around the clock. Well, for now, at least.