and digital logic gates. Qucs also utilizes SPICE-based simulation, which can model various types of circuit behavior, such as DC, AC, transient, and small-signal analysis. Unfortunately there are ...
How do you celebrate your YouTube channel passing the 7400 subscriber mark? If you are [Low Level JavaScript], the answer is obvious: You create a 7400 TTL logic ...
Researchers from Google and Stanford have created accurate AI replicas of more than 1,000 people. When you purchase through ...
This is a real-time logic simulator designed for educational use. It was originally built as a bachelor of engineering project, and it was commercially available from 2008 to 2014. Since it never ...
Abstract: This paper addresses the simulation and detection of logic faults in CMOS integrated circuits. CMOS logic gates are intrinsically tri-state devices: output low, output high, or output open.
This is a small simulator for electronic circuits built entirely from relays. I made it as a preparation for building a digital clock from electromechanical parts only, speak: relays, switches and ...
CPF methodology enables doing verification with logic simulators by providing a CPF based text file that describes the power domain specification of the SoC design. By doing a CPF based verification, ...