Mr. Larkin remarked that when he was leaving Ireland, Patrick Pearse, Tom Clarke and James Connolly - all executed leaders of the 1916 Rising - went down the quays with him and he would not betray ...
The incident which sparked the terrible scenes in Dublin yesterday was the dramatic appearance of Mr James Larkin, the General-Secretary of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union ...
Mr Larkin has been living in the United States since 1914, after leaving Ireland in the wake of the 1913 strike and lockout, and is believed to have been working as a longshoreman. The evidence ...
It became the headquarters of James Larkin's ITGWU in 1912 and subsequently ... by The Irish Times as 'the centre of social anarchy in Ireland, the brain of every riot and disturbance', Liberty ...
Manchester, 5 January 1918 - The SS Hare, a British merchant ship, known to many as ‘Larkin’s food ship ... This is an article from Century Ireland, a fortnightly online newspaper, written ...